Friday, December 18, 2009

Winter Break? Is it really a break?

Well, after about four months in school, there is finally a decent break. But really? Is it really a break?!!? I mean not really for me, but probably for younger kids. My schedule is pretty much full for the break

First things first:

  • I gotta finish my Calculus FRQ Practice questions and Study Guide. ;\
  • Gonna want to write at least three chapter of cornell-notes for my U.S. History
    • And also create an extra credit video about the Cold War. I think that would be interesting.
  • Study hard for the SATs that I'm gonna take in January.
  • And spend some time with my family and what not. 
  • Shopping?? That should be on the list!
Sounds little. And I can finish it in no time. True, but these things are so tedious! Well, if I forgot to blog some time soon during this break, I just want my words to reach you: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Oh yeah, year of the what?? Year of the tiger. Omg, my cousin is turning 24 next year. Ahhh.

Lol, be safe and have fun. Mwahahaha :]

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Inspiration leads to Motivation

There are good ways and bad ways to look at the "Inspiration leading to Motivation." The good way is the artwork that is being created would look great! The bad way is the artwork produced would look horrible.
For example, a haircut! Because I just trimmed my bangs, and it looks kind of .... off. Well, to solve the problem, you just put it clip on it.

Now, its 12:30 am. And I'm hungraayyyyy. And I got a lot on my plate tomorrow. And Sunday. Pretty fun.
First I need to do my cornell notes for history, complete my application for the Agricultural Sciences Academic Workshop, study for SATs, rewrite my Yearbook copy, finish Calculus homework, and get money for my swimsuit. Sucky swimsuit I gotta say, wanna take a peek at it? Link < The color is black/green, its our school colors. I hope I can finish all those by Saturday. Sunday =] I get to work for a few hours and get cash, sweeeetttt. Then I'm gonna work on my Japanese Project for Japanese, duh. On Hiroshima. Oh yeaaa.

Anyways, today our school had an assembly, what's funny about it is that me and my friends ditched it and went to the TechFutures Academy. It was cool, until everyone left. T^T One of my friend asked me where we all went, and I told him. "HE.. U!! OMFG NO...." We call him Hobo, because of his mittens. Then this other guy who went with us said, "We ditch hobos." I cracked up so bad, probably like the highlight of my day. I love my friends, their so funny.

It's really cold this week, and probably the most cold I've ever felt in El Cerrito. It was 30 degrees Fahrenheit this Tuesday. Well, gotta go to sleep. Nitteeee.

Monday, December 7, 2009

A few more weeks until 2010. Omg. > <

You know, the more I think about it, this year really passed by like gas evaporating into thin air. I still remember what happened early last year. >) And I was still a sophomore back then, bring immature and such. I hope I matured.....~dead silence~

Hey, since next year is 2010, there is officially two more years until 2012. Are we really destined to die on December 2012? Or what kind of disaster will happen?? I really wonder about that, my few best theories are
World War III, where nuclear bombs will bomb the entire earth's surface three times over > Were just killing human existence.
Asteroid attack, really? Unless NASA is hiding some truth away from us... hmm..
Disease, that will wipe out a big population of our earthlings. > :O H1N1??
And last of all, seismic, tsunami, volcanic, and other geographical activities?? 

Roasted Hazelnut by Dove is really goodddd. Anyway, I'm so bored I put make up on. It's really light though, not sure if you can see it in the image below.  ;] When I should be studying for my APUSH and AP Calc test tomorrow. Ahhhh. I will ace the test! Go mee!

In class, we are learning about:
Carbon-14 dating and using Newtons Law of Cooling technique in Calculus,
Making a box with a theme in Ceramics (on the left, doesn't look so good??) , Getting started on the final project in Japanese 3 about Hiroshima!
And starting to learn about World War II in US History. What fun??

So now I officially call this blog a stalker site, since everyone is reading my posts!! But that just made me contradict myself. Anywaysss, I'm gonna give some 5-6 private school kids have a tour around our most fabulous, spectatcular, and awesome ECHS! Oh yeahh.

I have nothing to talk about now.... Lol Uhm.. 사랑 해??

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hehee. :] Fuck! I'm seventeen for another 365 days.

Well, well. November 17, 2009 marks another signifigant day of my life. Seventeen year old girl walks in a classroom, and the next thing you "Happy Birthday!" comes out of everyones mouth. ^^

Personal comment: I think he looks better shaved.

It's a very happy day, and explaining is gonna take my precious time! I'll tell you later. Mwahh Bye.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

That vicious dog bit me!

;[ Yup, you heard me, my cousin's x-large sized pomeranian bit me cuz I was holding him back from my girls. ;0. Yahh anyway, yesterday was my grandpa's birthday and we celebeated it at his house and I got some mulah. Mwahahah, hehe. Ahh, its dinner brb.

Okay, whats new?? Really, there isn't much. Other than a SAT prep class that made us remember a gigantic list of words and its definition by Friday. And I just downloaded some songs by Epik High and Jun Jin. Their pretty good I gotta say. Jay Chou and Angelina Chang are some of the other good artist, but I haven't got my hands on it yet. >]

Oh yeah, I got my report card. All A's. >] Cept one thing, since I'm taking two AP classes, shouldn't I get a 4.5?? Since my other classes are regular except for Japanese 3. It still makes me maddddd. So wtf?? I get a 4.0!

I am bored, but guess what? Tomorrow is Monday, and the day after that is my birthday. Mwahah.

사랑 해 I say. :D Ttyl.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I think the music artist Adam R. Young is a great composer! Especially his genre and the name he gave his band. Then I'm here suspended on top of a skyscraper held by a rope that's about to snap. What a breath taking scene! ~~

Ahahah, beat that title! ^^ Its a piece of eloquent writing that made sence and had its own composture. :P Anyway, Young's songs are good I gotta admit, its music is just outstanding! Owl City, a band that has composed of many albums such as Hot Air Balloon, Maybe I'm Dreaming, Ocean Eyes, Of June, Strawberry Avalanche, and The Christmas Song. They consist of the genre electronic and disco music. Hey! What do you know, my favorite genres. I have their entire discography, maybe I can send you some if you ask. Mwahahah. His songs make sense in a way that a story is heard behind every single composed music. Unlike some other music, you have to analyze, I'm not saying its bad, but sometimes its not my music.

Anyway, my birthday is coming up. :'[ Aww, I'm gonna be seventeen. Whoo--- Then before I know it, I'm a graduating senior of El Cerrito High of 2011. Then I'm gonna zoom through college and my adolsence life and before I know it, I'm gonna be so old I forgot I even tried imagine my future just before my 17th birthday.

I gave my boyfriend a hug today and he got a scratch. Lol. Something out of the ordinary, cuz we were standing next to the wall, and what do you know, we crashed. Hahah. I think he needs more sleep, he seems to complain too much about his headaches. :| And backaches, and shoulderaches, not soon later, there would be like toothaches and arthiritis! Huh, sometimes I really wonder how old he is. Hmm.... I think he needs to shave. ^^ Especially on the 17th! His surprise is suspending me. ;\ It's like I'm tied up by my wrist and I'm hanging on a skyscraper with the rope about to snap. Ahaha, just kidding. I bet you sky diving would be much better than that kind of suspense.

I'll see you tomorrow. ;]   <3

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I say, "Guys are just really funny in general."

Yeah? You think so too?? Yup, me too. One of the first questions is "Why?" Well, lets list some of them.

Some guys are too paraniod, some jump into conclusions, and some are too shy. Hahah, does shy really count? Are they really why towards their emotions or the basic knowledge of communication? Well, we never really know. Guys in general do have a big varieties just like women.

Why did I just write that, idk. I was just bored. ^^
Okay, anyways. >D ttyl I get to see you tomorrow!

Friday, November 6, 2009

What's 1 + 1??

Heh, well title says it all:
What is 1 plus 1? Is it:
a. 2
b. 11
c. 田
d. None of Above.

>) Yeah?? What's your answer?? I think it can be all of them, or All of above. Haha. :P 

Really, what does a "hot mess" mean again? Lol, apparently I read a blog that said "You're a hot mess" ;) Procrastination kills me, but it's kinda boring now... :( Procrastinating without someone being on. [You]

Blogs are really addicting to read, especially ones with interesting transitions and stuff. Lol.

After blogging this post, I'm gonna sign off and read my history book. Whoot?? Sure. Oh yeah, I hope my shedule for next semester will fit my apetite ^^. I'm gonna take AP Literature and Composition, World War II, AP Calculus B/C, and TA Tech Futures. I hope that's not too much, since SATs and ACTs needs attention cuz their asses like that.

Jerkface needs to tell me what the surprise is. >:O Well... maybe I can wait so I don't have to tell him what Serena wrote on the paper. Mwahahah. 

Sunday, November 1, 2009

If labyrinth oblivion velocitates extreme monolithic igloos glow under esctasy love...

If labyrinth oblivion velocitates extreme monolithic igloos glow under esctasy love... Then I love you~ :)

I'm not sure if it makes sence, but basically means if oblivion labyrinth speeds into big igloos that glow under esctasy love, then =) This is just a reply to Darkwolf's most recent blogpost posted on Halloween 2009.

Did you read the title again?? Serena said we are gross.... lol, but whatever, I still love her.

Well, theres nothing much to say, I'm trying to finsih my cornell notes and get going with the next chapter, but this computer with internet is such a distraction!! It always go from homework to research online or a little break, then slowly creeps in procrastination, and before you know, an hour passes and you go "Oh mah gawd!! I need to finish my work."

Anyway, I'm gonna go, before I lose anymore time in my work. ;)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Volunteering at the Community Center

Title says it all, some of our school mates volunteered to help out at the community center for Halloween! I thought it was really fun. Especially with a special someone at the same booth with me. ^^ I remember a pick up line he said which was something like, "All the pple here aren't as pretty as you." Or something. It was funny, but a really lame pick up line. lol. Our booth was where you would throw bouncy ping pong balls at a 5 holes to score 5 points. We also passed out good candy >D Snickers, Milkyway, etc.

Happy Halloween. Well thats all I gotta say. I love you. ;) Don't you think you know who you are??

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What's Wrong with my Post???

Yeah, they seem to be getting smaller and smaller, don't you think?? Well then, LET'S MAKE IT LONGER. :D

So, lets talk about Ceramics since I haven't been talking much about it. Okay, we are currently learning about Greek Vases, and apparently we have to give the pottery a story. ow we make our own vases and give it a story. Well, enough said, lets look at the picture and ceramic I made:

Well?? What do you see? Some good looking vases huh? =D I hope so too. It looks pretty nice to me except for the mouth piece... which was a total FAIL. Don't mind me, you can criticize all you want. :P Just on the good opinions okay?? lol jk. We've also made candle holders, piggy banks, pinch pots, baskets, and much more! It's really fun, but thing is, our teacher doesn't let us use that much clay, and doesn't give much that long of a time. ;'| Bleh.

Also, for Japanese, we have a midterm. Pretty nice and funny but a bit too long. Oh well, were gonna do great. ;) My partner is Miguel btw. It's really cool, the theme of this midterm is in a clinic, where a patient visits their doctor. I'm the doctor, and hes the patient. Listed below is our Final Draft:

Lisa: こんにちは。どうしたんですか。 [How are you feeling?]
Miguel: こんにちは。ぼくは きぶんが わるいです。 [I feel unwell.]
Lisa: ええ、どうしたんですか。[How are you feeling?] <-- Yeah, I know. Its a repeat
Miguel: えっと。あたまが いたいくて、おなかが いたいです。 [My head and stomach hurts.]
Lisa: あっ、そうですか。ほかに何か?[Oh really? Anything else?]
Miguel: はい。 あの、 かぜを ひきました。 [Yeah. I have a cold.]
Lisa: しょじょうは 何ですか?[What are the symptoms?]
Miguel: えっと、せきがでて、 のどが いたいですよ![Uhmm... Coughing and sore throat!]
Lisa: あっ! たいへん! だいじょうぶ?[That's weird! Are you alright?]
Miguel: いいえ。 みみが いたいです。[No. My ear hurts.]
Lisa: やはり![Just as I thought.]
Miguel: はい。[Yeah.]
Lisa: そしたら、みみがいたいんだったら みみ ドロップを つかってください。 えっと、かせと せきと のどには、このくすりを のんでください。あたまには、 のみくすりを のんでください。 おなかには、くすりを のむまえに たべてください。くすりを ーか月間のんでください。 [For your ear, you use ear drops. For your cold, cough, and sore throat, you use this medicine. For your head, you drink this medicine. For your stomach, you would first eat then take the pills. Take these medicine for about a month please.]
Miguel: ええ、はい。 [Ok]
Lisa: えっと、 何が もんだいか わかりました。 あなたは としよりに なりましたね。[I think I know what your problem is. You're old!]
Miguel: ああ、わかりました。ありがとう。トイレえ いってもいいですか?[Ohh, okay. Can I go to the bathroom?]
Lisa: はい。 [Yes.]
Miguel: どこに ありますか? [Where is it?]
Lisa: へやを でてください。左に まがってください。はじめの かどを 左に まがってください。そうすると トイレが あります。[You exit this room. Make a left turn and go straight. Make a left turn at the first corner. If you do that then you would see the bathroom.]
Miguel: ありがとう。 じゃ。[Thanks. Bye.]
Lisa: はい。きょうはこれで。[Okay. That's all for today.]
Miguel: さようなら。[Bye.]
Funny script huh?? Thank me for translating it for you. >D

Anyway, today after school, me, my best friend, my boy toy, and my sister went to the pool party, pretty cool huh?? Yeah ^^ I got to push my boyfriend in the pool. Mwahahahah. Hehee. I was also surprised to see that I didn't get sore or tired from swimming today. But then again, it was only 10 laps at most. I don't even think I reached anything NEAR 10 laps. Besides that, it was fun! Now I smell like chlorine all over me. >:|~

Earlier when I was chatting with my old friend and we happen to talk about what shes gonna be for Halloween. I said she would mesmerize him with those fake eyelashes of hers for Halloween, to which she responded with, "his mentality would be more of 'What the fuck are those catapillars on your face?'" Lets see, heres the conversation.

Elizabeth: today he was all like "at least i will have people that love me"
i said "eww, who would love you?"
he pointed to me and said "you do"
ifrozen3: and?
Elizabeth: and then i screamed at him and told him im never talking to him again
ifrozen3: :O ouchhh
Elizabeth:i ignored him even when he tried to tlak to me
ifrozen3: lol
Elizabeth: tomorrow tho, ill probably have to talk to him again
ifrozen3: :P and mesmerize him with your eyelashes
your FAKE ones
Elizabeth: oh yea
his mentality would be more of "what the fuck are those catapillars on your face?"
ifrozen3: LMAO hahahahaha

What else, today is one of the biggest highlight of my Junior year, NO HOMEWORK!!! Lol Cool right?? Yup. So far this week is going by HECKA fast. Especially spending time with Miguel N. <-- Lol Why am I not typing his last name?? Cuz he's gonna say I spelled it wrong even if I didn't. I just gotta admit, were a very academic related love birds. Hahah. I like the word love bird, its just...... better than couple cuz it sounds old to me. He said he will shave just for me. ^^ How sweet.

I think I covered what I wanted to say today. If not, I'll keep you covered until the next post. :)

Ttyl. I want a hug from you! Lol. <-- Sounds demanding, but its all good.

What's a Pizza Cake??

Pizza cake is just a pizza cake, a cake that looks like some mouth watering pizza. :D Lol This is just a reply to "He's MY Boy Toy" blog. haha, I'm currently in yearbook being bored cuz I'm not learning anything, and blahhhh.

Ahhhhh The bell rang so I'm gonna go to take my Calculus Midterm. Wish me luck =D

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What's interesting??

Well I know is that Halloween is coming up.;D And I will be going to volunteer at the community center. Also, this is midterm week. What fun! Lets see.... about three midterms going on with two chapter tests. Ohhh, fun fun.

One thing I gotta write down is today in APUSH, when my classmate Tomas got a paper cut and said it would make it better if I kiss it. Then my best friend Serena said my boy toy :D would get jealous. I immediately replied by saying that he did get a cut on his hand today from who knows what. Serena then said, "Yeah! She kisses it, licks it, and sucks it." In which Tomas replied to "That's his finger right?" That was seriously one of the most ridiculous reply I've ever heard!!! >:| I ended the conversation by saying, "That was totally unnecessary."

My boyfriend aka Jerkface aka Boy Toy aka .... study guide. >:D haha TTyl.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ohh Wee~

Ohh Wee~, I think I've fallen in love again. =) Great news right?? I'm not gonna say who he is right now, but hes a really nice and kind guy. x) Compared to the one I got rejected to, was a total jerk! Too bad no one will guess who this jerk is, haha x). This guy has some flaws, but lets not list them.

Well anyway, apart from that, today we had a Senior Walk-In rally. My FIRST rally ever in my high school life and boy was it WEAK!!!

Ahh, anyways. Ttyl :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

School is so boring..........

Title says it all, school IS officially boring right now. Ahah, yeah, 'right now'.

Calculus is pretty cool right now :\ My grade is average, and test scores are average too. Ceramics is great! I get to make ceramic pots. Lol, well that's the whole point of Ceramic anyway. Japanese 3 is more or less very stupid, the teacher is stupid cuz she can't control our class. And last of all APUSH, eww, I'm learning nothing in the class. ;( And all you gotta do it keep up with your reading. PHEW~ But I do prefer my APUSH teacher to TEACH more, gosh.

What am I doing right now?
I'm 'supposively' doing my Cornell notes for Chapter 12, o_0'' Chapter 12 talks about "The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism 1812 - 1824" Bleh, what fun!

Its been a long time since I blogged, but, :D I finally made a post!! In how long?? Like an entire month? The only reason why I posted this is due to the last post, it made me think about depressing things, and no I replace it with this one! Whoot.

Ahah, back to work.

PS, I haven't been procrastinating as much as before. ^^

Monday, August 31, 2009

It's for you. xP

I'm sorry,
what's said is said,
what's done is done.

Stop lingering over the past
and look upon the future.

You can't hold me back from what I did.
And I can't hold you back from what you've done.

What's bound to happen, will always happen.
It's always there,
Everyone is pre-destined.

Matters are worse in the world
So why be down when you can shine?

Now smile like it never happened before.
Everyone is waiting for you.


Friday, August 28, 2009

School has Officially Started.

:( School starts and it leaves me no time for anything. This semester I have
1. AP Calculus A/B
2. Ceramics
3. Japanese 3
4. AP U.S. History

Calculus is easy SO FAR, because it's all review. Japanese 3 is just talk. And APUSH is all about notes. >:'

It's not so epic since its the first week of school.

I had a blackout yesterday - -'' Which left me stranded in the dark and I couldn't do my notes whatsoever. Right now, I'm in class waiting for the counselor to hurry up and wait for my turn.

This class ends at 11:45 am. which leaves me about half an hour left. Hopefully I get into Ceramics. :) Jun's (the Ceramics teacher) approval and my mom's signature. Even though its full.

>_<, El Cerrito High School, the third year into my academic high school. The most intense year for me. SAT's, ACT's, AP exams, AP classes, etc. Next semester, hopefully I'm suppose to have:
1. AP Literature and Composition
2. AP Calculus B/C
3. Web Design

Then swimming :D from February to May. Whoot. Hopefully, more people are still in it. Especially my friends. :D I know Irene won't be swimming, and Serena might not. :( cuz she lives so far from EC now. Eric, Laura D.?, and more won't be swimming.

Anyway, I gtg. Ttyl. Sorry for not posting. :P

Monday, August 10, 2009

Uh Ohh...

Uh oh for many things. So far I can name a few right now. But they're not coming up like it did before. OKay, here I go.

One: if my dog Lucky gets pregnant, I am about going to disown her. I've got enough puppies and I don't think I want another one. I don't care if its going to be cuter than the ones we have right now. Apparently my mom wants MORE puppies so she can earn some mulah. But I don't get it. I really don't. I mean, you still have three puppies and you still want more. It makes me cry when I think about it. Lucky is too precious to me. T^T Reason being is my cousin's male dog came by for a visit, and apparently my dog is in heat. = ='' What great timing. I just hope she won't or I am really sad.

Two: tomorrow is basically the last day to hang out with Lauren. And I don't like that. Tomorrow might be interesting though. Tomorrow, I will be waking up early for swim practice, then get my transcript with my sister. Speaking of transcripts, one of the most ridiculous things I've ever encountered. I requested for a transcript, and the college sent ME a transcript of my sisters. Wow. I hope the campus is open tomorrow. After that. I'll meet up with Lauren, and were going to Oakland! Gonna be fun.. :)

Three: my mom is getting suspicious. No, I still haven't told my mom about having a boyfriend yet. So things are getting a little awkward..... o_0'''' I think I left little hints behind me. First, I asked my mom about having a boyfriend and what she would think when I helped her dye her hair. She went on ranting about 'he needs to earn a lot of money' or 'he would need to get straight A's' or etc. I mean, all she thinks about is boyfriend = marriage. Relationship = marriage. Well anyway, later on in the time line where my family and relatives are having dim sum. One of my aunts were like 'Are you texting your boyfriend?' Which was true, but I said no... ~ ~` Then earlier today when Lauren was walking me to the pool, my mom waved when she saw me in her car. Things are getting suspicious.......... Ahh..

Three: My left ankle hurts when I kick in swimming, especially in flutter kick. I have no idea why it hurts, but after a while of swimming, it hurts. Then I get too much water in my ears!!! And the substitute coaches does a lot of pull downs using pullies. D; Its a torture, even my arm hurts now.

Four: I feel like I'm about to have a sore throat. Too much chlorine drinking in the pool. I always do that... Well its not drinking. It's more like drinking with your nose.. . . Haha.. Yeah, water goes in from my nose when I do a back start.... They hurt my nose so much. Wow... the more I think about it. The more I have a feeling I will have a hearing and sensing problem. Oh noes.

Five: Creative Art Template is still hating me and won't let my people comment! Now I changed it to this nightly looking template. Its nice and everything is working. :)

Well so far, there is all my Uh Ohh's. I'm pretty sure I have more, watch them all come up to me once I blog this post. :) [Gotta start on my synopsis for Slaughterhouse-five.]

Tell you later. :D

.i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ She proceeded to cover her keyboard while entering her 'new' email so I wouldn't see while signing in. [That as my sister btw. She was THAT smart. ;) I love her. Ahah.]

Friday, August 7, 2009

Templates? Comments? Slopid? What??

I want a new template, they don't seem to work so well with me. Today, I finally found the template of my choice! But guess what?? I can't add any widgets to the page layout. T^T And it keeps going to a blank page often... Augh. Now I have to change it back to the previous template. T^T Anyways I'm still looking forward to having a new template. :) Any help??

Comments!! I want comments man. I give thanks to those to comment on my blog every so often such as Lauren and Laura. Wow, that sounds funny. Please, comment! Doesn't matter if you laugh at my post or talk crap about it. I just want to know exactly how many people ACTUALLY read my blog. Sounds demanding but I know you can do it. Haha :P

Last of all, yesterday Laura, my mom and I was watching this really retarded movie called '2012' and No it wasn't the movie I wanted to watch. = ='' I was so disappointed. Then from what I heard, its on Laura's blog btw, my mom called Laura a "slopid" ?? What?? Hold on, what does that even mean? It's like an equation, a math equation. Apparently Slow + Stupid = 'Slopid'

I did almost nothing today and I wasted my entire day on a template that doesn't even work with me. Right now, I have nothing better to do. But I'm chatting with Lauren. :D Tomorrow I have to go to my orthodontist after a solid six months! Wow. I haven't been there for so long because I currently have retainers and you won't need to go there as often. For retainers, the first visit you go back after a month, then half a year, then a year, then two years? I think. I don't exactly know but it seems retarded to go back after four years.

I'll ttyl guys.

.i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ Mwahaha, I threw a grape at my uncle. Lmao.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We Hiked. We swam. And we're still sore.

Wow, I feel like a lazy butt. Combining two days worth of post into one. :D . . . Well anyways, let's talk about yesterday!

Yesterday, after taking the bus from CCC to El Cerrito, WE decided to hike up a trail behind Pacific East Mall. The trail was horrible because let alone, it has not been hiked for a while. Lots of spider webs and bugs.... Ew.. On the way UP, Lauren was complaining about how steep the trail was. Lots of whining btw. xD Then about... 40% of the walk, Lauren started saying how much he needed to go to the bathroom! He almost went to the bathroom in the public too. Ahah. The only reason why I wanted to go up the trail is that there is a one-stringed swing up there! I love that swing so much. x) We stayed and went on the swing. Technically, I did. Lauren didn't want to because he was scared the string would break. We played 'I Spy' ... haha, very funny. Extremely nice view with a some trees in the way. You can see Golden Gate Bridge and SF and more. Soon we left for Pacific East Mall and we got some tapioca. And went home after a while.

Today, after swim practice and all that. I dropped by Lauren's apartment for a while. His apartment hall stinks........ T^T It's not even funny. Then we left for a pool party Jerry had! He had a party because he is getting married in the Philippines and he is leaving today! This is his link to his wedding website: Mwahahah, I finally got to see Lauren swim. It's funny how Cal and him chased me because I had their goggles. At one point, Cal 'begged' back for his goggles. His face was speechless when he didn't have comebacks. But what's not fun is being flipped. >_>''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' I tell you. ITS NOT FUN AT ALL. After the party, we went to Cerrito Vista Park. We as in Serena, Stella, Laura, Lauren, and Jen. Had an adventurous time on the new playground. It was so beautiful. Ahaha, maybe.. but it was tall. Nice slides. Then we ALL walked to Central Ave that took an hour apparently.. and that was the end of my day. >:D

Adding some random facts here: I changed the way my room looked. The table is moved near the window and books are at a corner. At this point, I have no idea where I should put my mirror. And I'm STILL sore from Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. To refresh your memories: Sunday I played badminton with Lauren and his friends, Monday I went to the first swim practice in ages, Tuesday I had morning practice and walked up a trail with Lauren [it's tiring him complaining about the walk and needing to go pee] and today, swam in the morning and went to an afternoon pool party. Boy I'm pooped.

Anyways, my cousin changed my hard drive of my laptop because the hard disc is broken.... from what I heard. :D Its all new now. But it doesn't have PHOTOSHOP. Gruh. T^T I might need to ask him for photoshop, and dreamweaver. Maybe just the keygen. >) idk. I love him. hehe

Right now, I'm semi reading this book called "Devil's Gold" by Julie Korzenko. It's about endless burning gas flares, rivers poisoned by oil, blood baths inflicted by Nigerian militia.... this is zoologist Cassidy Lowell's flight. :) I got that from the book cover.

Well this IS a long ass post, but that concludes what I've done these few days. :D Right now, I am hella sleepy and I need to wake up early for swim practice tomorrow morning.. Augh. I'll try to be more efficient on posting blogs on separate events instead of an ALL-IN-ONE post. Lol. =]

I'll ttyl. Nite.

.i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ Hella damn tired, sleepy, and got a few mosquito bites when I took a nap after dinner. Hurry up and post your blog!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Technological Installations

Guess what?? When someone receives a computer of any kind, they would install softwares into the computer. For me, some of the top three software I would install and download is:

Flock: Web Browser
Google Talk: Chat Engine
CCleaner: Garbage Cleaner

Some of the other top software I would install and download when I have some time is:

BitTorrent: Torrent Program
Adobe Products: They are unexplainable. They have everything you need.
TT Player: Music Player
WinRAR: Compresses Files

Flock, Google Talk, and CCleaner. They are important to me. Then comes BT, Adobe Products, and WinRAR.

These are the most 'important' products to me. Well that's all I need when I get a new computer or a reinstallation of a computer. =]

Badminton, Work, Swim Practice.

=) Yesterday I went with my sister, Lauren and some of his friends to play badminton at GGBC. It was fun, mwahah. Fun. As in 2 against 1. It was pretty awkward when I met Lauren's mom. She was driving and everything was quiet. Then we got to GGBC!... I had to use rental shoes, they hurt my foot. Boo hoo. It was fun. But when I woke up today, the right half of my torso was aching. And my butt..... hahaaaaaa, idk why.

Today, I went to work early in the MORNING cuz I had a meeting at 10:30 am. The meeting could've been done through the phone. In other words: It was Useless. Worked on it for a while and I had to go home.

Then at swim practice. There was the MOST RETARDED DRY LAND EVER. There was jumping in a jump rope, steps, 50 crunches, 50 push ups, and idk what that other is called. Aha, I only did some of em. I wasn't in such a bad shape but the soreness was killing meh.

Well. After practice and all that stuff, instead of just my half torso and butt aching, my entire torso is. D;

Lol, that's what sports is all about.

O_O Love you poo bear.

Bye. :D

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Art thou procrastining?!?!!

I'm actually suppose to be WORKING, but I'm not at the same time. I really, really, extremely like this job because I can work and procrastinate at the same time. <-- not a really good idea. Yesterday, the library closed at around 1:45 pm. They basically kicked us out. ): So we had lunch and took the bus home! Lauren and I hung out around the Bart trail and he couldn't go up the pull-up bars [and I MEAN be on top of the bar], and go down the slide, and balance, and stuff. Aha, jk. We talked a lot.... from my hair getting stuck in his mouth [ew. lol] to changing his shoelaces. Mwahah. We talked for a time and he walked me home which was nice until we got paranoid again.

Today, in fact was pretty interesting. After leaving at 1:45 pm from campus again, we walked to my boyfriend's apartment. His apartment door was turquoise or aqua colored which was really funny in my opinion. His room is actually bigger than I imagined. From what I can see, 75% of his stuff seems like its from IKEA. Furniture wise. x) He taught me how to play Halo, and I kinda get the concept of it. Even though he keeps finding me and letting me kill him. What did we do next.. for all I know, time does pass by fast when he's around. I changed his shoelaces and the way it looked. Now its white instead of black, and it looks... pretty decent. Everyone should agree with me. >:D

What's even more funny is that his family didn't know I went to his house. Now his mom is making him clean his room in case I drop by and visit. Hahha.

We took pictures, and your not gonna see it. :)

i Ł٥ღє . You stupid! Signed off before I get to say good night.

Bye peoples, Gota get started on the summer assignment!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lauren and ME >D

Yesterday was the 25 of July! Which means its Lauren and Lisa's anniversary. Mono-anniversary? It's the first month! :D Well yesterday, we went to the movies with Shawn, Serena, Jesse, Yijun, and Big Will. We watched Harry Potter and the Half Blooded Prince. The movie was okay.. I expected better out of it. >__< I paid $5 and Lauren paid the rest. Half way during the movie, there was this intense/suspense part. Then Lauren went hysterical, I practically laughed my ass off. When it ended, things were doing good until someone happened .... :interlude: .... and then Yijun, Serena, and Shawn went to Pac East. I got dropped off.

Today, I was bored, and I am on FML reading posts when I came across a really cute FML, "Today, my boyfriend and I were cuddling on his couch when suddenly I tried to get up. Before I could stand, he grabs onto me and says, I'm a koala and you're my eucalyptus tree!' He then continued to latch onto me for a good five minutes pretending to eat my hair. FML." Now my boyfriend calls him "Koala bear" and me a "Eucalyptus tree" Hahah...... I call him Panda bear, and he's my Koala bear. He told me on the phone that, "Panda have the smallest recorded 'dick' in the world out of all mammals." Ahaha. Oh yea! I finished Slaughterhouse 5.

Right now I'm still talking to him on the phone since...... 10 :D It’s almost ... I'll keep it a secret. And my phone will die on him. We have a bet if my phone lasts later than midnight, then he gets to have a 'walk' but if it doesn't, I don’t know.
Ahaha, my phone did die on him after midnight. I'll say my good night here.

"Once upon a time, there was this dog. He lived on a farm, 20 miles away from civilization, and one day he ran off to the city because he didn't like the farm anymore. When he got to the city, he saw and heard other dogs. He saw this female dog, and fell in love with her. She was part of a rich family and he couldn't do anything because she was out of his league. He tried to talk to her but she clawed her in the face and he was sad. He proceeded to talk away crying. But he didn't give up. He wrote a letter, and told her how much he loved her. They went out for dinner, fell in love. And had babies. Then…." The End. I decided to cut him off because it was getting weird and I didn’t wanna continue typing what he said.
That's what Lauren just said to me. Ahah.

I found these really good looking shoes, but I won't be buying them anytime soon. I just got my Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Hi Top Charcoal. >D But they just look nice. I don't even know who or what brand they are.

i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ you =D. I love you too panda/koala bear. xD
Good night pples.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tomorrow's the last day of summer school, which means...

Which means I don't get to see Lauren as much. Makes Lisa so sad. T^T Right now I'm suppose to be working on my quote on quote "work" but I'm actually procrastinating. Who cares? I'm in the library and I am .......... LONEEEYYY with my sister... o_0'' What else.. today I get to hang out with Lauren and he wouldn't me go to work. Lol. Then it got kinda bored after he left, and it got even boreder (<-- That's not a word, I know.) after Serena left. She looked depressed for some reasons. >__< Get well soon Shawn! I got bored half way in the job, about an hour and half.... and I started drawing. LOTS of chalk drawing. :D I'm gonna update this post later on for the pictures because I'm at the library right now. I'm missing him, missing her, missing me, missing who else?? xD jkjk. The job is "easy" but it's complicated and confusing in another level. Seems like I can grasp it but not at the same time....... ahaha. its 5:40 pm right now and I'm suppose to leave earlier.... whooo. Yeah... Uhm.... Lauren walked me back to the library the lonnngggg way in the forest like place in CCC. I don't explain well.... the place was quiet and creepy without Lauren, haha. EYE better finish this post as fast as I can so I can leave.

This past week, I had been sleeping at midnight, which is torture.... in a good way cuz I get to talk to Lauren.... in a bad way because the next day, I feel like a walking zombie. I fell asleep on the bus today........ opps, and almost missed my stop. =D He is so funny on the phone.

The drawing I drew..... is being adored. That or I'm paranoid. Why? Because whenever someone passes by the study room, they stare at it! Ahaha, I have no idea, don't ask me. I miss him.

For those who can't see the picture, it says my name, Lauren, Serena and Shawn in a bubble. My mom, dad, and my grandparents. Laura and my cousin, Hui Wu. Yeah. It IS a big heart. Love you guys. And for the ones who I forgot to add, sorry. =D Just imagine your there!

The picture is in low quality, deal with it. I also did photoshop on it. :)
The power of photoshop.


Now I'm at home after dinner. I am so full because I ate an addition banana after the meal. Makes my stomach hurt right now.


i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ `>____< I miss you already.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pool. Bowl. Poke. Kick. Kiss. :)

So the first half of my day was boring because..... I had to hang out with my family and "step cousin" <-- I hate the fact that she is a stuck up bitch. Then I went to Barnes and Noble to hang out with my friends. :D We went to Albany Bowl. Me, Lauren, Serena, Irene, Laura, Shawn, and Yijun had fun today. Well..... I'm not sure about all of them, I'm pretty sure Serena, Shawn, Lauren and I had fun. I'm not so sure about my sister [She kept saying, "Let's go home!! I'm hungry"], Irene [When I hugged her she said, "If you keep squeezing me, I'm gonna burp!!" That never happened btw.] and Yijun [I had fun poking him cuz hes ticklish! and stealing his glasses]. I learned a lot of stuff today. I learned how to play pool, and I also learned how to bowl [scored higher than some people :)]. :D Then we went to EC Plaza for a while, I get to steal glasses, meet some friends, and tying Laurens hair!! It wasn't much, just the front part and a hairband [Scroll down]. Lauren walked me home and wouldn't let me go around the corner of my house. Haha, I love him. That took like thirty minutes for us to part. xD At home, my uncle couldn't open this jar and said I wouldn't be able to either because he's being sexist. We did a bet, and I opened the jar. I was all up in his face saying, "What now?" and he said I could have anything I want. I proceeded to say, "I want a house!" and he laughed it off. Immediately, he told my mom the houses were cheap and I said to him, "Yeah, heard that?" xD Well that concludes today.

Here are some pictures of today.

Taking pictures of Lauren and Irene playing DDR.
Serena covered her smirk.

Lauren's hair tied up by me. xD He looks so cute.


i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ Uhm.... Yeah, Thanks for teaching. xD

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oh mommy.... and uhh.. Daddy??

Yes, this post is all about my mom. Haha. No, not yours, mines. For some of you who know her, I don't know what you define her as. She is pretty friendly when you’re with her. Then she talks about you sometimes. ~_~'' Hahah, sometimes as in using you to strike a conversation! :D Well, since I'm Asian........ She's an extremely typical Asian. Like a really really typical one. She is over protective [I guess that's good in some degrees. :D], thinks relationships are going straight into marriage [that's why the relationship I'm in... is between me and my sister along with some friends], and a hypocrite!! I seriously hate them, but what can I do?? She's my mom and I gotta...... love her for giving me a life?? Lol... She is very funny if I think back at the conversations I have with her. Basically cuz my cousin is like on my side MOST of the time, and I love him for that, she agrees with him. Apparently, she trusts my cousin over her own daughter.

I don't know if it’s our age difference that changes her trust, or he’s just good looking. xD Hahah. My mom agrees with me when people are at her house, but when I bring up the subject again one on one, it’s all different. Her tone is different. Her agreeableness is different. You name it. Oh, and she rejects me 75% of the time!! Well the reason why I just made this post about her is she agreed to buy me a Converse... :D when my cousin was here, but she started complaining about why I wanted Converse in Charcoal but not any other color when I asked her last night where it was just me and her. The reason why she wanted me to buy some other color is the other colors are just cheaper! My reason of only wanting Charcoal color is the shoe stays with you almost 24/7 for a loonnnggg asss time. She keeps complaining, and she got to how she can't pay tax, loans, you name it. Anyways, I feel annoying because I keep talking about shoes.

Yeahhh, my mom is a typical Asian mother, uhhh, I keep forgetting what I'm supposed to write about. Well my dad is cool. :D Like extremely cool, he use to be good looking.. my boyfriend said so so don't argue with me, hehee. I'm trying to find my parents wedding picture... ahah.. :D its photoshoped. His lectures are like... two minutes long [Mom's lecture can last up to an hour... music ftw], lets me go out with my friends when I ask, and spoils me... So does my mom but what comes out of her mouth is completely different. I love my parents. Uhm... Psychology is fun only with Lauren! Serena and Jess. Now I gotta start on the paper...... x)

With love.

i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ I love you Lauren, and I know you can do it. :) It was fun today.

Monday, July 13, 2009

I woke up early :D and I miss him

Today is the first day of the week, and also the day I need to go to school. Recently I found out my friend Serena has made a blog :D along with Irene, and my sister Laura [stop copying what I write Laura. >:\ It's making me mad]. And some other people. This morning I woke up to take a quick shower, and get to school, whoo. So much for enthusiastic, lol. :P Right now, I'm at the library making a blog cuz I'm bored and I miss you Lauran [its become a habit os spelling your name with "A". >: I found out ten minutes ago that Serena was still at home and WE HAVE A MEETING AT 10!!! It was 9:10 or so and it takes her a while to get here. >_> She better not be late. Lauren is babysitting her sister. Uhhh, Jesse, I don't know what hes doing. @#%%##!!$&* I'm bored, and tired, and yeahh. I can't wait to see Irene later in the afternoon today. :D She better not flake on me or I'm mad since I haven't seen her since school ended and she went to Columbia for three weeks. =O I made her make a blog, mwahah, now she has to tell my about her entire trip in DETAIL. >:D Sounds fun. :)

Aie Yah, Idk what I'm doing right now. I better go before I write something bad on this post. Ttyl!

i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ Apparently, my words are so fun to twist even he says so.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

This is for Irene....

So Irene, what do you want me to talk about?? How we missed each other when we both went to Hilltop at the SAME time!? >:\ Or how I couldn't find a pair of Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Charcoal Mens 4.5?? T^T. Haha, that sounded so demanding. Despite the fact that I woke up late today, I spend my entire day looking for the shoe I wanted and ended up not finding the right shoe size. Size 5 in men were loose and size 4 in men were tight so I had to be size 4.5 in men, but there was none v_v. That was my day, waking up late, and going to Hilltop to waste my time for five hours looking for the single pair of shoes of the right size. Sounds like a repetition..... opps. Lol. I guess I have to buy it online now. I'm eating gummy bears by color right now, haha. I really don't have much to talk about [it was a boring day okay??], but upon Ireneneee's request. xP Hopefully the next blog I'm about to read is Irene's journey to Columbia.

i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ I just found a gummy bear with a tail... Misses that one guy with a racquet and a backpack.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Not only did I woke up late....

Yes, today I woke up late. Funny thing was, I had a dream that I woke up late too. Anyways, after I rushed through all the mess to put my swim gear and stuff on, it turns out there was construction working in front of my house! So from home to the pool took like fifteen minutes. >_>'' I seem to be getting better at my strokes but who knows, I might be paranoid. Before practice ended, we had one on one racing and my updated time on my 50 free is around 33 seconds! Fo Sho. :) My goal is to get under 30 seconds; I was so close one time but the season was over and I started not going to practice on a daily basis. D; Boo. After I got changed, I hung out with Lauren for literally half an hour. We were so paranoid my mom would see us. xD And he got scared by a dog...... it was so funny. I was happy you came Lauran. When my mom finally came, we acted like we were friends, it was awkward. ... Now, back at home, I see a big rectangular hole in front of the house cuz their somewhat doing........ I have no idea what their doing, but I wouldn't like to fall in it. Right now I want to go to Hilltop or a Converse store to buy a Charcoal Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Hi Top or a Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Hi Top Bathroom Wall Black/Multi. They look so nice! I also like the 1HUND(RED)'s designs. >_< I know, I'm greedy and I have a big wish lists. Lol, well I'm getting hungry, ttyl!

Converse All Star Chuck Taylor Hi Top Charcoal

Converse All Star Chuck Taylor Hi Top Bathroom Wall Black/Multi

Actually, The Converse All Star Chuck Taylor Hi Top Military Bee and the Converse All Star Chuck Taylor Hi Top Maroon looks nice too.

i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ You've made my day lit up even though this morning was a disaster.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

Just a few words before Fourth of July officially ends in the year of 2009! "Happy anniversary of when America told Britain 'f*ck you'"! Today, I volunteered to help at the worldOne festival at Cerrito Vista, boy was it interesting. I had to wake up butt crack in the morning because my sister wanted to wake up so early to help set up but ended up staying the entire day. I had "fun" passing out worldOne's schedule to people with my friend, Brennan and Evan, competitively. I laughed at Brennan when his schedules get rejected, but vice versa on the other hand. >_> I did that for a while and gave up because it was no fun anymore and it was more amusing watch Brennan than passing the schedules. The way he makes people take it, "It's Pink! Pink is better than Green." or "Take mines not hers." or "You sure you don't want another one?" I stopped for lunch and I had to wait five straight hours until I can finally help at the Hamburger Booth from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Over all was interesting, but the "wait" was boring. I had lots of free food... yum. ^^ I really miss you Lauren, and I'm sorry I couldn't come. T^T Lots of MJ songs going on at the shows on stage in between. Other than all these stuff happening today, I learned a lesson - -'' "Wear sunblock!!" and "Check the weather." I should be going to sleep soon before this post gets posted tomorrow morning because I slept on the table. I still hear fireworks, and I hope you have a great day!

With love. :)

i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ It was extremely boring without you.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sex Offender!!

Today is July 2, 2009! Also known as my friend, Jesse's birthday! Yesterday we caked him got mad, and refused to eat the cake T^T. Today he told us he liked the cake. =O Well I'm happy either way as long as he ate it. If you were wondering why today's blog title is named "Sex Offender," it is referring to my funny friends Lauren and Jesse. This is because Lauren looked like he was going to go into the woman's locker room and got caught! Whoo- got caught by the same guy two days in a row. The first time for loitering around the track and field. (I was there too...) Hahah, well anyways, the supervisor caught them and referred Jesse and Lauren as a sex offender. Funny thing is, today is Jesse's birthday, and he just turned sixteen. So I find it ironic how he was called a sex offender the moment he turned sixteen. Me and my friends will probably call them "sex offender" for a while, hope they don't mind. Well.... that's all I have to tell you guys at the moment. ^^- Ttyl.

Happy Birthday Jesse. And I Love You Lauran. :D

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Is in the library with Lauran. ;)

I'm in the library with Lauren :) This is pretty fun because we are doing everything we can do at home here. xD Ahaha Serena is kinda bored but we aren't so its okay?

Great! That was Lauren just now, we're playing with web cams, but his computer freezes whenever he tries to chat.

Heheh, well yeah i wanna go to macdonalds because i am lisa and i am fat..... ahahaha jk i am ft cuz i am lauren =p well uh i have nthing really more to say except that i love winston long.... xD

Lmao. He really isn't fat, he's adorable "fat." Its really fun??? Were suppose to be working on our Psychology papers and exam due Monday! Whoo. Right now were soo offtrack were talking about SCARS!!! >_>

Yeah i am really am fat but lisa just doesnt want the world to know because shes embarrassed.......i am not adorable because i am a butt face =p ahaha yeah its okay though, scars are really weird.....did u know i tripped one time and not there is a big scar on my knee.... and amandas sister gave me one on my hand >.>

He's very adorablE! He's just denying the fact that HES embarrassed of you know what. :P Anyways, I got a scar from Laura by preventing her from falling on the ice rink, and she pushed me down instead! Some big ass scars. I love Lauran :D

well you see she doesnt even know why i am embarrassed so =p dont listen to her, shes weird xD and slightly insane but thats why i love her lol well uh yah scars..........................................i have 6 dimples............. dont ask about the last one =3= but yeah ahaha play maplestory! xD Pie is good. Did u know that i almost got pants-ed before and my thing was kinda. yeah and the guy got in trouble for it =p so it was okay, and i got to smash his head against a locker. YAY for being an innocent little asian =p Lisa doesnt love me........jk jk jk =)

Well he doesn't know why I'm embarrassed either! Lauren is funny, and ..... lots of manners! (??) Anyways, the last dimple is where you would last expect it would be. I pants someone before, and was funny. Laurens pants didn't fall all the way down though. D; Today! We kinda surprised Jesse by caking him but looks like he wasn't so satisfied with it and got mad. He even rejected the cake Serena, Laura, and I bought. It was depressing. D;






well i am bored and lisa is a loser so i am going to finish this blog =) ahahahaha BYE GUYS MUCHO LOVE-O from Lauren..........and Lisa...........

Ahaha, I got to type just before he posted. Mwahah. I'm a loser and he loves me. Heheh (Duh!)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer 2009

As the summer starts in the year of 2009, my first blog post is to tell you one of the most happiest memories I have ever cherished in my teenage life. I am taking Experimental Psychology, Fundamentals of Hip Hop and Urban Funk, and Writing Workshop: Style and Grammar at Contra Costa College. I find this year very interesting because compared to last you I was bored with life and always crammed viciously. This year is pretty EpiC -->. Ahaaha, well I'm not going into details. Some creepers and stuff... Anyways, the teachers I have are somewhat boring especially in Writing Workshop but I pass notes with a certain someone all the time. I find dance class very interesting even though I keep forgetting the steps!!! Last of all Psychology! The teacher is just...... one word: retarded. She doesn't teach and all we do is watch some developmental psychology films that could be found in the internet! She's always off task, too many breaks, but makes it easier for me and my GPA. I've met A LOT of Pinole kids through Lauren ^^ but their all in the marching band which means, they don't like El Cerrito kids. Ahh~ What fun. So far they don't seem to hate me but who knows what's going on in their heads. >_> Right now, I'm supposed to be finishing my Psychology essays due on Thursday but since it’s my first blog blah blah. Yeah..... I think I should be saving this blog and start hacking my textbook so squeeze out a bullshit paper for the teacher. ;) Cya.

Ł♥u. And you know who you are.