Yes, this post is all about my mom. Haha. No, not yours, mines. For some of you who know her, I don't know what you define her as. She is pretty friendly when you’re with her. Then she talks about you sometimes. ~_~'' Hahah, sometimes as in using you to strike a conversation! :D Well, since I'm Asian........ She's an extremely typical Asian. Like a really really typical one. She is over protective [I guess that's good in some degrees. :D], thinks relationships are going straight into marriage [that's why the relationship I'm in... is between me and my sister along with some friends], and a hypocrite!! I seriously hate them, but what can I do?? She's my mom and I gotta...... love her for giving me a life?? Lol... She is very funny if I think back at the conversations I have with her. Basically cuz my cousin is like on my side MOST of the time, and I love him for that, she agrees with him. Apparently, she trusts my cousin over her own daughter.
I don't know if it’s our age difference that changes her trust, or he’s just good looking. xD Hahah. My mom agrees with me when people are at her house, but when I bring up the subject again one on one, it’s all different. Her tone is different. Her agreeableness is different. You name it. Oh, and she rejects me 75% of the time!! Well the reason why I just made this post about her is she agreed to buy me a Converse... :D when my cousin was here, but she started complaining about why I wanted Converse in Charcoal but not any other color when I asked her last night where it was just me and her. The reason why she wanted me to buy some other color is the other colors are just cheaper! My reason of only wanting Charcoal color is the shoe stays with you almost 24/7 for a loonnnggg asss time. She keeps complaining, and she got to how she can't pay tax, loans, you name it. Anyways, I feel annoying because I keep talking about shoes.

Yeahhh, my mom is a typical Asian mother, uhhh, I keep forgetting what I'm supposed to write about. Well my dad is cool. :D Like extremely cool, he use to be good looking.. my boyfriend said so so don't argue with me, hehee. I'm trying to find my parents wedding picture... ahah.. :D its photoshoped. His lectures are like... two minutes long [Mom's lecture can last up to an hour... music ftw], lets me go out with my friends when I ask, and spoils me... So does my mom but what comes out of her mouth is completely different. I love my parents. Uhm... Psychology is fun only with Lauren! Serena and Jess. Now I gotta start on the paper...... x)
With love.
i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ I love you Lauren, and I know you can do it. :) It was fun today.
wow such a glamorous picture!! and your mom is nice to me.. hehe.. i like the food at your house.. xDDD.. i like this post
Your parents seem super cool, i am just afraid of your mommy not liking me =( well you dad to but he seems so chill. I love chill parents cuz i can just talk to them about everything xD Maybe i will be able to talk to your dad about everything =D
I was kinda mad that we werent late.......class was HELLA boring and she called us out again lol it was pretty funny, i know shes joking though =) shes a good teacher.
Yo daddy is like a heartthrob <333333 lmao no homo
<3 you
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