So, lets talk about Ceramics since I haven't been talking much about it. Okay, we are currently learning about Greek Vases, and apparently we have to give the pottery a story. ow we make our own vases and give it a story. Well, enough said, lets look at the picture and ceramic I made:
Well?? What do you see? Some good looking vases huh? =D I hope so too. It looks pretty nice to me except for the mouth piece... which was a total FAIL. Don't mind me, you can criticize all you want. :P Just on the good opinions okay?? lol jk. We've also made candle holders, piggy banks, pinch pots, baskets, and much more! It's really fun, but thing is, our teacher doesn't let us use that much clay, and doesn't give much that long of a time. ;'| Bleh.
Also, for Japanese, we have a midterm. Pretty nice and funny but a bit too long. Oh well, were gonna do great. ;) My partner is Miguel btw. It's really cool, the theme of this midterm is in a clinic, where a patient visits their doctor. I'm the doctor, and hes the patient. Listed below is our Final Draft:
Lisa: こんにちは。どうしたんですか。 [How are you feeling?]
Miguel: こんにちは。ぼくは きぶんが わるいです。 [I feel unwell.]
Lisa: ええ、どうしたんですか。[How are you feeling?] <-- Yeah, I know. Its a repeat
Miguel: えっと。あたまが いたいくて、おなかが いたいです。 [My head and stomach hurts.]
Lisa: あっ、そうですか。ほかに何か?[Oh really? Anything else?]
Miguel: はい。 あの、 かぜを ひきました。 [Yeah. I have a cold.]
Lisa: しょじょうは 何ですか?[What are the symptoms?]
Miguel: えっと、せきがでて、 のどが いたいですよ![Uhmm... Coughing and sore throat!]
Lisa: あっ! たいへん! だいじょうぶ?[That's weird! Are you alright?]
Miguel: いいえ。 みみが いたいです。[No. My ear hurts.]
Lisa: やはり![Just as I thought.]
Miguel: はい。[Yeah.]
Lisa: そしたら、みみがいたいんだったら みみ ドロップを つかってください。 えっと、かせと せきと のどには、このくすりを のんでください。あたまには、 のみくすりを のんでください。 おなかには、くすりを のむまえに たべてください。くすりを ーか月間のんでください。 [For your ear, you use ear drops. For your cold, cough, and sore throat, you use this medicine. For your head, you drink this medicine. For your stomach, you would first eat then take the pills. Take these medicine for about a month please.]
Miguel: ええ、はい。 [Ok]
Lisa: えっと、 何が もんだいか わかりました。 あなたは としよりに なりましたね。[I think I know what your problem is. You're old!]
Miguel: ああ、わかりました。ありがとう。トイレえ いってもいいですか?[Ohh, okay. Can I go to the bathroom?]
Lisa: はい。 [Yes.]
Miguel: どこに ありますか? [Where is it?]
Lisa: へやを でてください。左に まがってください。はじめの かどを 左に まがってください。そうすると トイレが あります。[You exit this room. Make a left turn and go straight. Make a left turn at the first corner. If you do that then you would see the bathroom.]
Miguel: ありがとう。 じゃ。[Thanks. Bye.]
Lisa: はい。きょうはこれで。[Okay. That's all for today.]
Miguel: さようなら。[Bye.]
Funny script huh?? Thank me for translating it for you. >D
Anyway, today after school, me, my best friend, my boy toy, and my sister went to the pool party, pretty cool huh?? Yeah ^^ I got to push my boyfriend in the pool. Mwahahahah. Hehee. I was also surprised to see that I didn't get sore or tired from swimming today. But then again, it was only 10 laps at most. I don't even think I reached anything NEAR 10 laps. Besides that, it was fun! Now I smell like chlorine all over me. >:|~
Earlier when I was chatting with my old friend and we happen to talk about what shes gonna be for Halloween. I said she would mesmerize him with those fake eyelashes of hers for Halloween, to which she responded with, "his mentality would be more of 'What the fuck are those catapillars on your face?'" Lets see, heres the conversation.
Elizabeth: today he was all like "at least i will have people that love me"
i said "eww, who would love you?"
he pointed to me and said "you do"
ifrozen3: and?
Elizabeth: and then i screamed at him and told him im never talking to him again
ifrozen3: :O ouchhh
Elizabeth:i ignored him even when he tried to tlak to me
ifrozen3: lol
Elizabeth: tomorrow tho, ill probably have to talk to him again
ifrozen3: :P and mesmerize him with your eyelashes
your FAKE ones
Elizabeth: oh yea
his mentality would be more of "what the fuck are those catapillars on your face?"
ifrozen3: LMAO hahahahaha
i said "eww, who would love you?"
he pointed to me and said "you do"
ifrozen3: and?
Elizabeth: and then i screamed at him and told him im never talking to him again
ifrozen3: :O ouchhh
Elizabeth:i ignored him even when he tried to tlak to me
ifrozen3: lol
Elizabeth: tomorrow tho, ill probably have to talk to him again
ifrozen3: :P and mesmerize him with your eyelashes
your FAKE ones
Elizabeth: oh yea
his mentality would be more of "what the fuck are those catapillars on your face?"
ifrozen3: LMAO hahahahaha
What else, today is one of the biggest highlight of my Junior year, NO HOMEWORK!!! Lol Cool right?? Yup. So far this week is going by HECKA fast. Especially spending time with Miguel N. <-- Lol Why am I not typing his last name?? Cuz he's gonna say I spelled it wrong even if I didn't. I just gotta admit, were a very academic related love birds. Hahah. I like the word love bird, its just...... better than couple cuz it sounds old to me. He said he will shave just for me. ^^ How sweet.
I think I covered what I wanted to say today. If not, I'll keep you covered until the next post. :)
Ttyl. I want a hug from you! Lol. <-- Sounds demanding, but its all good.
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