Yes, today I woke up late. Funny thing was, I had a dream that I woke up late too. Anyways, after I rushed through all the mess to put my swim gear and stuff on, it turns out there was construction working in front of my house! So from home to the pool took like fifteen minutes. >_>'' I seem to be getting better at my strokes but who knows, I might be paranoid. Before practice ended, we had one on one racing and my updated time on my 50 free is around 33 seconds! Fo Sho. :) My goal is to get under 30 seconds; I was so close one time but the season was over and I started not going to practice on a daily basis. D; Boo. After I got changed, I hung out with Lauren for literally half an hour. We were so paranoid my mom would see us. xD And he got scared by a dog...... it was so funny. I was happy you came Lauran. When my mom finally came, we acted like we were friends, it was awkward. ... Now, back at home, I see a big rectangular hole in front of the house cuz their somewhat doing........ I have no idea what their doing, but I wouldn't like to fall in it. Right now I want to go to Hilltop or a Converse store to buy a Charcoal Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Hi Top or a Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Hi Top Bathroom Wall Black/Multi. They look so nice! I also like the 1HUND(RED)'s designs. >_< I know, I'm greedy and I have a big wish lists. Lol, well I'm getting hungry, ttyl!
Converse All Star Chuck Taylor Hi Top Charcoal

Converse All Star Chuck Taylor Hi Top Bathroom Wall Black/Multi

Actually, The Converse All Star Chuck Taylor Hi Top Military Bee and the Converse All Star Chuck Taylor Hi Top Maroon looks nice too.

i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ You've made my day lit up even though this morning was a disaster.
Aha 33 seconds is why i am not getting in the pool =p
I was so paranoid this morning and the dog was big okay >.<
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