Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

Just a few words before Fourth of July officially ends in the year of 2009! "Happy anniversary of when America told Britain 'f*ck you'"! Today, I volunteered to help at the worldOne festival at Cerrito Vista, boy was it interesting. I had to wake up butt crack in the morning because my sister wanted to wake up so early to help set up but ended up staying the entire day. I had "fun" passing out worldOne's schedule to people with my friend, Brennan and Evan, competitively. I laughed at Brennan when his schedules get rejected, but vice versa on the other hand. >_> I did that for a while and gave up because it was no fun anymore and it was more amusing watch Brennan than passing the schedules. The way he makes people take it, "It's Pink! Pink is better than Green." or "Take mines not hers." or "You sure you don't want another one?" I stopped for lunch and I had to wait five straight hours until I can finally help at the Hamburger Booth from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Over all was interesting, but the "wait" was boring. I had lots of free food... yum. ^^ I really miss you Lauren, and I'm sorry I couldn't come. T^T Lots of MJ songs going on at the shows on stage in between. Other than all these stuff happening today, I learned a lesson - -'' "Wear sunblock!!" and "Check the weather." I should be going to sleep soon before this post gets posted tomorrow morning because I slept on the table. I still hear fireworks, and I hope you have a great day!

With love. :)

i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ It was extremely boring without you.


Lauren K. said...

Its okay i missed you too! i am glad u had a great time with brennan today with your epic competitions lmao If you did come your mom wouldve given u hell about who i was so i think it was for the best......maybe......idk xD

Miss yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou

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