I'm sorry,
what's said is said,
what's done is done.
Stop lingering over the past
and look upon the future.
You can't hold me back from what I did.
And I can't hold you back from what you've done.
What's bound to happen, will always happen.
It's always there,
Everyone is pre-destined.
Matters are worse in the world
So why be down when you can shine?
Now smile like it never happened before.
Everyone is waiting for you.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
School has Officially Started.
:( School starts and it leaves me no time for anything. This semester I have
1. AP Calculus A/B
2. Ceramics
3. Japanese 3
4. AP U.S. History
Calculus is easy SO FAR, because it's all review. Japanese 3 is just talk. And APUSH is all about notes. >:'
It's not so epic since its the first week of school.
I had a blackout yesterday - -'' Which left me stranded in the dark and I couldn't do my notes whatsoever. Right now, I'm in class waiting for the counselor to hurry up and wait for my turn.
This class ends at 11:45 am. which leaves me about half an hour left. Hopefully I get into Ceramics. :) Jun's (the Ceramics teacher) approval and my mom's signature. Even though its full.
>_<, El Cerrito High School, the third year into my academic high school. The most intense year for me. SAT's, ACT's, AP exams, AP classes, etc. Next semester, hopefully I'm suppose to have:
1. AP Literature and Composition
2. AP Calculus B/C
3. Web Design
Then swimming :D from February to May. Whoot. Hopefully, more people are still in it. Especially my friends. :D I know Irene won't be swimming, and Serena might not. :( cuz she lives so far from EC now. Eric, Laura D.?, and more won't be swimming.
Anyway, I gtg. Ttyl. Sorry for not posting. :P
1. AP Calculus A/B
2. Ceramics
3. Japanese 3
4. AP U.S. History
Calculus is easy SO FAR, because it's all review. Japanese 3 is just talk. And APUSH is all about notes. >:'
It's not so epic since its the first week of school.
I had a blackout yesterday - -'' Which left me stranded in the dark and I couldn't do my notes whatsoever. Right now, I'm in class waiting for the counselor to hurry up and wait for my turn.
This class ends at 11:45 am. which leaves me about half an hour left. Hopefully I get into Ceramics. :) Jun's (the Ceramics teacher) approval and my mom's signature. Even though its full.
>_<, El Cerrito High School, the third year into my academic high school. The most intense year for me. SAT's, ACT's, AP exams, AP classes, etc. Next semester, hopefully I'm suppose to have:
1. AP Literature and Composition
2. AP Calculus B/C
3. Web Design
Then swimming :D from February to May. Whoot. Hopefully, more people are still in it. Especially my friends. :D I know Irene won't be swimming, and Serena might not. :( cuz she lives so far from EC now. Eric, Laura D.?, and more won't be swimming.
Anyway, I gtg. Ttyl. Sorry for not posting. :P

Monday, August 10, 2009
Uh Ohh...
Uh oh for many things. So far I can name a few right now. But they're not coming up like it did before. OKay, here I go.
One: if my dog Lucky gets pregnant, I am about going to disown her. I've got enough puppies and I don't think I want another one. I don't care if its going to be cuter than the ones we have right now. Apparently my mom wants MORE puppies so she can earn some mulah. But I don't get it. I really don't. I mean, you still have three puppies and you still want more. It makes me cry when I think about it. Lucky is too precious to me. T^T Reason being is my cousin's male dog came by for a visit, and apparently my dog is in heat. = ='' What great timing. I just hope she won't or I am really sad.
Two: tomorrow is basically the last day to hang out with Lauren. And I don't like that. Tomorrow might be interesting though. Tomorrow, I will be waking up early for swim practice, then get my transcript with my sister. Speaking of transcripts, one of the most ridiculous things I've ever encountered. I requested for a transcript, and the college sent ME a transcript of my sisters. Wow. I hope the campus is open tomorrow. After that. I'll meet up with Lauren, and were going to Oakland! Gonna be fun.. :)
Three: my mom is getting suspicious. No, I still haven't told my mom about having a boyfriend yet. So things are getting a little awkward..... o_0'''' I think I left little hints behind me. First, I asked my mom about having a boyfriend and what she would think when I helped her dye her hair. She went on ranting about 'he needs to earn a lot of money' or 'he would need to get straight A's' or etc. I mean, all she thinks about is boyfriend = marriage. Relationship = marriage. Well anyway, later on in the time line where my family and relatives are having dim sum. One of my aunts were like 'Are you texting your boyfriend?' Which was true, but I said no... ~ ~` Then earlier today when Lauren was walking me to the pool, my mom waved when she saw me in her car. Things are getting suspicious.......... Ahh..
Three: My left ankle hurts when I kick in swimming, especially in flutter kick. I have no idea why it hurts, but after a while of swimming, it hurts. Then I get too much water in my ears!!! And the substitute coaches does a lot of pull downs using pullies. D; Its a torture, even my arm hurts now.
Four: I feel like I'm about to have a sore throat. Too much chlorine drinking in the pool. I always do that... Well its not drinking. It's more like drinking with your nose.. . . Haha.. Yeah, water goes in from my nose when I do a back start.... They hurt my nose so much. Wow... the more I think about it. The more I have a feeling I will have a hearing and sensing problem. Oh noes.
Five: Creative Art Template is still hating me and won't let my people comment! Now I changed it to this nightly looking template. Its nice and everything is working. :)
Well so far, there is all my Uh Ohh's. I'm pretty sure I have more, watch them all come up to me once I blog this post. :) [Gotta start on my synopsis for Slaughterhouse-five.]
Tell you later. :D
.i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ She proceeded to cover her keyboard while entering her 'new' email so I wouldn't see while signing in. [That as my sister btw. She was THAT smart. ;) I love her. Ahah.]
One: if my dog Lucky gets pregnant, I am about going to disown her. I've got enough puppies and I don't think I want another one. I don't care if its going to be cuter than the ones we have right now. Apparently my mom wants MORE puppies so she can earn some mulah. But I don't get it. I really don't. I mean, you still have three puppies and you still want more. It makes me cry when I think about it. Lucky is too precious to me. T^T Reason being is my cousin's male dog came by for a visit, and apparently my dog is in heat. = ='' What great timing. I just hope she won't or I am really sad.
Two: tomorrow is basically the last day to hang out with Lauren. And I don't like that. Tomorrow might be interesting though. Tomorrow, I will be waking up early for swim practice, then get my transcript with my sister. Speaking of transcripts, one of the most ridiculous things I've ever encountered. I requested for a transcript, and the college sent ME a transcript of my sisters. Wow. I hope the campus is open tomorrow. After that. I'll meet up with Lauren, and were going to Oakland! Gonna be fun.. :)
Three: my mom is getting suspicious. No, I still haven't told my mom about having a boyfriend yet. So things are getting a little awkward..... o_0'''' I think I left little hints behind me. First, I asked my mom about having a boyfriend and what she would think when I helped her dye her hair. She went on ranting about 'he needs to earn a lot of money' or 'he would need to get straight A's' or etc. I mean, all she thinks about is boyfriend = marriage. Relationship = marriage. Well anyway, later on in the time line where my family and relatives are having dim sum. One of my aunts were like 'Are you texting your boyfriend?' Which was true, but I said no... ~ ~` Then earlier today when Lauren was walking me to the pool, my mom waved when she saw me in her car. Things are getting suspicious.......... Ahh..
Three: My left ankle hurts when I kick in swimming, especially in flutter kick. I have no idea why it hurts, but after a while of swimming, it hurts. Then I get too much water in my ears!!! And the substitute coaches does a lot of pull downs using pullies. D; Its a torture, even my arm hurts now.
Four: I feel like I'm about to have a sore throat. Too much chlorine drinking in the pool. I always do that... Well its not drinking. It's more like drinking with your nose.. . . Haha.. Yeah, water goes in from my nose when I do a back start.... They hurt my nose so much. Wow... the more I think about it. The more I have a feeling I will have a hearing and sensing problem. Oh noes.
Five: Creative Art Template is still hating me and won't let my people comment! Now I changed it to this nightly looking template. Its nice and everything is working. :)
Well so far, there is all my Uh Ohh's. I'm pretty sure I have more, watch them all come up to me once I blog this post. :) [Gotta start on my synopsis for Slaughterhouse-five.]
Tell you later. :D
.i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ She proceeded to cover her keyboard while entering her 'new' email so I wouldn't see while signing in. [That as my sister btw. She was THAT smart. ;) I love her. Ahah.]
Friday, August 7, 2009
Templates? Comments? Slopid? What??
I want a new template, they don't seem to work so well with me. Today, I finally found the template of my choice! But guess what?? I can't add any widgets to the page layout. T^T And it keeps going to a blank page often... Augh. Now I have to change it back to the previous template. T^T Anyways I'm still looking forward to having a new template. :) Any help??
Comments!! I want comments man. I give thanks to those to comment on my blog every so often such as Lauren and Laura. Wow, that sounds funny. Please, comment! Doesn't matter if you laugh at my post or talk crap about it. I just want to know exactly how many people ACTUALLY read my blog. Sounds demanding but I know you can do it. Haha :P
Last of all, yesterday Laura, my mom and I was watching this really retarded movie called '2012' and No it wasn't the movie I wanted to watch. = ='' I was so disappointed. Then from what I heard, its on Laura's blog btw, my mom called Laura a "slopid" ?? What?? Hold on, what does that even mean? It's like an equation, a math equation. Apparently Slow + Stupid = 'Slopid'
I did almost nothing today and I wasted my entire day on a template that doesn't even work with me. Right now, I have nothing better to do. But I'm chatting with Lauren. :D Tomorrow I have to go to my orthodontist after a solid six months! Wow. I haven't been there for so long because I currently have retainers and you won't need to go there as often. For retainers, the first visit you go back after a month, then half a year, then a year, then two years? I think. I don't exactly know but it seems retarded to go back after four years.
I'll ttyl guys.
.i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ Mwahaha, I threw a grape at my uncle. Lmao.
Comments!! I want comments man. I give thanks to those to comment on my blog every so often such as Lauren and Laura. Wow, that sounds funny. Please, comment! Doesn't matter if you laugh at my post or talk crap about it. I just want to know exactly how many people ACTUALLY read my blog. Sounds demanding but I know you can do it. Haha :P
Last of all, yesterday Laura, my mom and I was watching this really retarded movie called '2012' and No it wasn't the movie I wanted to watch. = ='' I was so disappointed. Then from what I heard, its on Laura's blog btw, my mom called Laura a "slopid" ?? What?? Hold on, what does that even mean? It's like an equation, a math equation. Apparently Slow + Stupid = 'Slopid'
I did almost nothing today and I wasted my entire day on a template that doesn't even work with me. Right now, I have nothing better to do. But I'm chatting with Lauren. :D Tomorrow I have to go to my orthodontist after a solid six months! Wow. I haven't been there for so long because I currently have retainers and you won't need to go there as often. For retainers, the first visit you go back after a month, then half a year, then a year, then two years? I think. I don't exactly know but it seems retarded to go back after four years.
I'll ttyl guys.
.i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ Mwahaha, I threw a grape at my uncle. Lmao.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
We Hiked. We swam. And we're still sore.
Wow, I feel like a lazy butt. Combining two days worth of post into one. :D . . . Well anyways, let's talk about yesterday!
Yesterday, after taking the bus from CCC to El Cerrito, WE decided to hike up a trail behind Pacific East Mall. The trail was horrible because let alone, it has not been hiked for a while. Lots of spider webs and bugs.... Ew.. On the way UP, Lauren was complaining about how steep the trail was. Lots of whining btw. xD Then about... 40% of the walk, Lauren started saying how much he needed to go to the bathroom! He almost went to the bathroom in the public too. Ahah. The only reason why I wanted to go up the trail is that there is a one-stringed swing up there! I love that swing so much. x) We stayed and went on the swing. Technically, I did. Lauren didn't want to because he was scared the string would break. We played 'I Spy' ... haha, very funny. Extremely nice view with a some trees in the way. You can see Golden Gate Bridge and SF and more. Soon we left for Pacific East Mall and we got some tapioca. And went home after a while.
Today, after swim practice and all that. I dropped by Lauren's apartment for a while. His apartment hall stinks........ T^T It's not even funny. Then we left for a pool party Jerry had! He had a party because he is getting married in the Philippines and he is leaving today! This is his link to his wedding website: http://www.mywedding.com/jerryandemie/custom4.html Mwahahah, I finally got to see Lauren swim. It's funny how Cal and him chased me because I had their goggles. At one point, Cal 'begged' back for his goggles. His face was speechless when he didn't have comebacks. But what's not fun is being flipped. >_>''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' I tell you. ITS NOT FUN AT ALL. After the party, we went to Cerrito Vista Park. We as in Serena, Stella, Laura, Lauren, and Jen. Had an adventurous time on the new playground. It was so beautiful. Ahaha, maybe.. but it was tall. Nice slides. Then we ALL walked to Central Ave that took an hour apparently.. and that was the end of my day. >:D
Adding some random facts here: I changed the way my room looked. The table is moved near the window and books are at a corner. At this point, I have no idea where I should put my mirror. And I'm STILL sore from Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. To refresh your memories: Sunday I played badminton with Lauren and his friends, Monday I went to the first swim practice in ages, Tuesday I had morning practice and walked up a trail with Lauren [it's tiring him complaining about the walk and needing to go pee] and today, swam in the morning and went to an afternoon pool party. Boy I'm pooped.
Anyways, my cousin changed my hard drive of my laptop because the hard disc is broken.... from what I heard. :D Its all new now. But it doesn't have PHOTOSHOP. Gruh. T^T I might need to ask him for photoshop, and dreamweaver. Maybe just the keygen. >) idk. I love him. hehe
Right now, I'm semi reading this book called "Devil's Gold" by Julie Korzenko. It's about endless burning gas flares, rivers poisoned by oil, blood baths inflicted by Nigerian militia.... this is zoologist Cassidy Lowell's flight. :) I got that from the book cover.
Well this IS a long ass post, but that concludes what I've done these few days. :D Right now, I am hella sleepy and I need to wake up early for swim practice tomorrow morning.. Augh. I'll try to be more efficient on posting blogs on separate events instead of an ALL-IN-ONE post. Lol. =]
I'll ttyl. Nite.
.i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ Hella damn tired, sleepy, and got a few mosquito bites when I took a nap after dinner. Hurry up and post your blog!
Yesterday, after taking the bus from CCC to El Cerrito, WE decided to hike up a trail behind Pacific East Mall. The trail was horrible because let alone, it has not been hiked for a while. Lots of spider webs and bugs.... Ew.. On the way UP, Lauren was complaining about how steep the trail was. Lots of whining btw. xD Then about... 40% of the walk, Lauren started saying how much he needed to go to the bathroom! He almost went to the bathroom in the public too. Ahah. The only reason why I wanted to go up the trail is that there is a one-stringed swing up there! I love that swing so much. x) We stayed and went on the swing. Technically, I did. Lauren didn't want to because he was scared the string would break. We played 'I Spy' ... haha, very funny. Extremely nice view with a some trees in the way. You can see Golden Gate Bridge and SF and more. Soon we left for Pacific East Mall and we got some tapioca. And went home after a while.
Today, after swim practice and all that. I dropped by Lauren's apartment for a while. His apartment hall stinks........ T^T It's not even funny. Then we left for a pool party Jerry had! He had a party because he is getting married in the Philippines and he is leaving today! This is his link to his wedding website: http://www.mywedding.com/jerryandemie/custom4.html Mwahahah, I finally got to see Lauren swim. It's funny how Cal and him chased me because I had their goggles. At one point, Cal 'begged' back for his goggles. His face was speechless when he didn't have comebacks. But what's not fun is being flipped. >_>''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' I tell you. ITS NOT FUN AT ALL. After the party, we went to Cerrito Vista Park. We as in Serena, Stella, Laura, Lauren, and Jen. Had an adventurous time on the new playground. It was so beautiful. Ahaha, maybe.. but it was tall. Nice slides. Then we ALL walked to Central Ave that took an hour apparently.. and that was the end of my day. >:D
Adding some random facts here: I changed the way my room looked. The table is moved near the window and books are at a corner. At this point, I have no idea where I should put my mirror. And I'm STILL sore from Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. To refresh your memories: Sunday I played badminton with Lauren and his friends, Monday I went to the first swim practice in ages, Tuesday I had morning practice and walked up a trail with Lauren [it's tiring him complaining about the walk and needing to go pee] and today, swam in the morning and went to an afternoon pool party. Boy I'm pooped.
Anyways, my cousin changed my hard drive of my laptop because the hard disc is broken.... from what I heard. :D Its all new now. But it doesn't have PHOTOSHOP. Gruh. T^T I might need to ask him for photoshop, and dreamweaver. Maybe just the keygen. >) idk. I love him. hehe
Right now, I'm semi reading this book called "Devil's Gold" by Julie Korzenko. It's about endless burning gas flares, rivers poisoned by oil, blood baths inflicted by Nigerian militia.... this is zoologist Cassidy Lowell's flight. :) I got that from the book cover.
Well this IS a long ass post, but that concludes what I've done these few days. :D Right now, I am hella sleepy and I need to wake up early for swim practice tomorrow morning.. Augh. I'll try to be more efficient on posting blogs on separate events instead of an ALL-IN-ONE post. Lol. =]
I'll ttyl. Nite.
.i Ł٥ღє . - ♥ Hella damn tired, sleepy, and got a few mosquito bites when I took a nap after dinner. Hurry up and post your blog!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Technological Installations
Guess what?? When someone receives a computer of any kind, they would install softwares into the computer. For me, some of the top three software I would install and download is:
Flock: Web Browser
Google Talk: Chat Engine
CCleaner: Garbage Cleaner
Some of the other top software I would install and download when I have some time is:
BitTorrent: Torrent Program
Adobe Products: They are unexplainable. They have everything you need.
TT Player: Music Player
WinRAR: Compresses Files
Flock, Google Talk, and CCleaner. They are important to me. Then comes BT, Adobe Products, and WinRAR.
These are the most 'important' products to me. Well that's all I need when I get a new computer or a reinstallation of a computer. =]
Flock: Web Browser
Google Talk: Chat Engine
CCleaner: Garbage Cleaner
Some of the other top software I would install and download when I have some time is:
BitTorrent: Torrent Program
Adobe Products: They are unexplainable. They have everything you need.
TT Player: Music Player
WinRAR: Compresses Files
Flock, Google Talk, and CCleaner. They are important to me. Then comes BT, Adobe Products, and WinRAR.
These are the most 'important' products to me. Well that's all I need when I get a new computer or a reinstallation of a computer. =]
Badminton, Work, Swim Practice.
=) Yesterday I went with my sister, Lauren and some of his friends to play badminton at GGBC. It was fun, mwahah. Fun. As in 2 against 1. It was pretty awkward when I met Lauren's mom. She was driving and everything was quiet. Then we got to GGBC!... I had to use rental shoes, they hurt my foot. Boo hoo. It was fun. But when I woke up today, the right half of my torso was aching. And my butt..... hahaaaaaa, idk why.
Today, I went to work early in the MORNING cuz I had a meeting at 10:30 am. The meeting could've been done through the phone. In other words: It was Useless. Worked on it for a while and I had to go home.
Then at swim practice. There was the MOST RETARDED DRY LAND EVER. There was jumping in a jump rope, steps, 50 crunches, 50 push ups, and idk what that other is called. Aha, I only did some of em. I wasn't in such a bad shape but the soreness was killing meh.
Well. After practice and all that stuff, instead of just my half torso and butt aching, my entire torso is. D;
Lol, that's what sports is all about.
O_O Love you poo bear.
Bye. :D
Today, I went to work early in the MORNING cuz I had a meeting at 10:30 am. The meeting could've been done through the phone. In other words: It was Useless. Worked on it for a while and I had to go home.
Then at swim practice. There was the MOST RETARDED DRY LAND EVER. There was jumping in a jump rope, steps, 50 crunches, 50 push ups, and idk what that other is called. Aha, I only did some of em. I wasn't in such a bad shape but the soreness was killing meh.
Well. After practice and all that stuff, instead of just my half torso and butt aching, my entire torso is. D;
Lol, that's what sports is all about.
O_O Love you poo bear.
Bye. :D
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